Songtrix Silver 3.0 All the ideas and discussions
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Reduce the price by at least half to a more affordable $29.99. Almost $60 is too much for most users in the present economic climate.

I'm sure when the economy of the world improves prices could then increase. As a trivial example most games have either not increased in price for over a decade i.e games such as AAA games like Skyrim, Call of Duty and the like (they now tend to recoup loses by releasing lots of extra content that you have to then pay ridiculour prices for and Arcade games which have come down from an average of $19.99 to around $7 over the last four years.

Selling your software cheaper then including extra add-ons for your software could increase the income stream for the software. Users are more likely to purchase the product if it was cheaper then slowly add the extras as time and money permits.

Whiterabbit-uk, 18.06.2012, 07:07
Idea status: under consideration


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